This is a list of things I need to fix. If you found this page, maybe you can help. If so, use the Contact page or the GitHub site.
- Fix overflow and box dimmensions for single backtick code box. Right now it can extend from here to Topeka
- Fix top margin of headers. Cannot change in CSS. UPDATE. This seems unchangeable using custom CSS file and is related to normalize CSS in default package. see here. Ended up including the following in CSS file --> p:last-of-type{margin-bottom: 2em;}. Didn't like that. Now did this. TEMP fix of problem by adding div tags with padding before each header. Would like to CSS that action
- Prevent scrolling under lightbox
- get rid of that stupid map in intro
- Add reference/link page
- Figure out GitHub issue with R rendering and removing .git files
- Add tutorial on using GitHub
- For some inexplicable reason the heading located at 1_field_observations.html#nmds_analysis gets hidden with the code immediately before...This problem is likely global. Also 3_data_prep.html#phyloseq_objects and 3_data_prep.html#host_information TEMP fix of problem by adding div tags with padding before each header. Would like to CSS that action
- Changed background to be a little off white. Figures and tables now stick out b/c backgrounds are white. SOLUTION: added border