Before we conduct any analyses we need to prepare our datasets and working environment by curating samples, removing contaminants, and creating phyloseq objects.

Defining Groups

First, we need to load the data packet produced (combo_pipeline.rdata) by the final step of the DADA2 workflow, format sample names, and define groupings. We will use the sample names to define the different groups.

samples.out <- rownames(seqtab)
subject <- sapply(strsplit(samples.out, "[[:digit:]]"), `[`, 1)
# this splits the string at first instance of a digit
# use the whole string for individuals
# use the first two letters for genus
# use the next three letters for species
sample_name <- substr(samples.out, 1, 999)
genus <- substr(samples.out, 1, 2)
species <- substr(samples.out, 1, 5)


  • 53 individuals
  • 3 genera
  • 7 species

And finally we define a sample data frame that holds the different groups we extracted from the sample names. On the right are a few samples and their different groups names.

#define a sample data frame
samdf <- data.frame(SamName = sample_name, Gen = genus, Sp = species)
rownames(samdf) <- samples.out
kable(samdf[c(1, 13, 20, 30, 44), 1:3], row.names = FALSE) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped",
                full_width = FALSE, position = "float_right")  %>%
  column_spec(1:3, width = "3.5cm")
SamName Gen Sp
AcCoe01 Ac AcCoe
AcTra05 Ac AcTra
ScTae03 Sc ScTae
SpAur02 Sp SpAur
SpVir07 Sp SpVir

Host abbreviations:

  • AcCoe = Acanthurus coeuleus
  • AcTra = Acanthurus tractus
  • ScTae = Scarus taeniopterus
  • SpAur = Sparisoma aurofrenatum
  • SpVir = Sparisoma viride
  • ScVet = Scarus vetula
  • SpChr = Sparisoma chrysopterum

Phyloseq Objects

Next we create a phyloseq (ps) object with the Silva (slv) taxonomy. There is also a Greengenes (gg) annotation in the output file from DADA2 which can be used instead of the Silva annotation. Just change tax_silva to tax_gg. At this point we rename the amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) so the designations are a bit more user friendly. By default, DADA2 names each ASV by its unique sequence so that data can be directly compared across studies (which is great). But this convention can get cumbersome downstream, so we rename the ASVs using a simpler convention—ASV1, ASV2, ASV3, and so on, while retaining the exact sequences.

The phyloseq object looks like this:

# this create the phyloseq object
ps_slv <- phyloseq(otu_table(seqtab, taxa_are_rows = FALSE),
                   sample_data(samdf), tax_table(tax_silva))
tax_table(ps_slv) <- cbind(tax_table(ps_slv), rownames(tax_table(ps_slv)))
# adding unique ASV names
taxa_names(ps_slv) <- paste0("ASV", seq(ntaxa(ps_slv)))
tax_table(ps_slv) <- cbind(tax_table(ps_slv), rownames(tax_table(ps_slv)))
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 12479 taxa and 53 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 53 samples by 3 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 12479 taxa by 8 taxonomic ranks ]

While the ASV names look like this: ASV1, ASV2, ASV3, ASV4, ASV5, ASV6 and so on…

At this point we have a completely unadulterated phyloseq object because it contains all ASVs and all samples. We add two final columns with the actual ASV sequences and ASV IDs. This will be useful later when trying to export a fasta file. Finally, we export the sequence and taxonomy tables, for posterity sake.

colnames(tax_table(ps_slv)) <- c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order",
                                 "Family", "Genus", "ASV_SEQ", "ASV_ID")
write.table(tax_table(ps_slv), "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/PS/full_tax_table.txt",
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = NA)
write.table(t(otu_table(ps_slv)), "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/PS/full_seq_table.txt",
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = NA)
write.table(sample_data(ps_slv), "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/PS/full_sample_data.txt",
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names =  FALSE)

Remember three of these samples were omitted because we did not have replicates for the host species. Lets remove those samples. The only way we could figure out how to do this was by selecting the samples we wanted to keep. If you want to change the group of samples, modify the script accordingly.

ps_slv_base <- prune_samples(c("SpAur01", "SpAur02", "SpAur03", "SpAur04",
                               "SpAur10", "SpAur11", "SpAur12", "SpAur13",
                               "SpVir01", "SpVir02", "SpVir03", "SpVir04",
                               "SpVir05", "SpVir06", "SpVir07", "SpVir08",
                               "SpVir09", "SpVir10", "SpVir11", "AcCoe01",
                               "AcCoe02", "AcCoe03", "AcCoe04", "AcCoe05",
                               "AcCoe06", "AcCoe07", "AcCoe08", "AcTra01",
                               "AcTra02", "AcTra03", "AcTra04", "AcTra05",
                               "AcTra06", "AcTra07", "AcTra08", "AcTra09",
                               "ScTae01", "ScTae02", "ScTae03", "ScTae04",
                               "ScTae05", "ScTae06", "ScTae07", "ScTae08",
                               "ScTae09", "SpAur05", "SpAur06", "SpAur07",
                               "SpAur08", "SpAur09"), ps_slv)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 12479 taxa and 50 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 50 samples by 3 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 12479 taxa by 8 taxonomic ranks ]

0K, three samples gone. But we probably lost some ASVs when use we removed samples. So we need to get rid of any ASVs that have now a total of 0 reads. This will be our working phyloseq object.

ps_slv_work <- prune_taxa(taxa_sums(ps_slv_base) > 0, ps_slv_base)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 12040 taxa and 50 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 50 samples by 3 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 12040 taxa by 8 taxonomic ranks ]

Great, there were 439 ASVs found only in those three samples.

We can also export seq and tax tables for our trimmed dataset and get a quick summary of the trimmed dataset before removing unwanted reads. .

write.table(tax_table(ps_slv_work), "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/PS/trim_tax_table.txt",
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = NA)
write.table(t(otu_table(ps_slv_work)), "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/PS/trim_seq_table.txt",
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = NA)
write.table(sample_data(ps_slv_work), "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/PS/trim_sample_data.txt",
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names =  FALSE)

# general stats for the dataset.

sample_sum_df_raw <- data.frame(sum = sample_sums(ps_slv_work))
total_reads_raw <- sum(otu_table(ps_slv_work))
smin_raw <- as.integer(min(sample_sums(ps_slv_work)))
smean_raw <- as.integer(mean(sample_sums(ps_slv_work)))
smax_raw <- as.integer(max(sample_sums(ps_slv_work)))

Looks like the total number of reads in the dataset (after removing unwanted samples) is 3120211; range of 12178 to 182696 reads per sample and an average of 62404 reads per sample.

Remove Contaminants

These samples are intestinal communities and we assume that Chloroplast are not contributing to metabolism. These data could be useful later but for now lets create a phyloseq object without Chloroplast.

The subset_taxa command removes anything that is NA for the specified taxonomic level or above. For example, lets say you run the subset_taxa command using Order != "Chloroplast". Seems like you should get a phyloseq object with everything except Chloroplast. But actually the command not only gets rid Chloroplast but everything else that has NA for Order and above. In our experience this is not well documented and we had to dig through the files to figure out what was happening.

Our dataset has 590 Chloroplast ASVs and running the command as is removed an additional 1244 ASVs. So lets see if we can get rid of just Chloroplast ASVs without removing everything that is unclassified at Order and above. To do this, we subset the taxa to generate a ps object of just Chloroplast, selected the ASV column only, turned it into a factor, and used this to remove Chloroplast from the ps object.

# generate a file with Chloroplast ASVs
chloro_p_ps <- subset_taxa(ps_slv_work, Order == "Chloroplast")
chloro_p_tab <-  as(tax_table(chloro_p_ps), "matrix")
chloro_p_tab <- chloro_p_tab[, 8]
chloro_p_df <- as.factor(chloro_p_tab)
goodTaxaCH <- setdiff(taxa_names(ps_slv_work), chloro_p_df)
ps_slv_work_no_cyano <- prune_taxa(goodTaxaCH, ps_slv_work)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 11450 taxa and 50 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 50 samples by 3 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 11450 taxa by 8 taxonomic ranks ]
###### Summarize data
total_asv_chloro_p <- length(chloro_p_df)

sample_sum_chloro_p_ps <- data.frame(sum = sample_sums(chloro_p_ps))
total_reads_chloro_p_ps <- sum(otu_table(chloro_p_ps))
smin_chloro_p_ps <- min(sample_sums(chloro_p_ps))
smean_chloro_p_ps <- mean(sample_sums(chloro_p_ps))
smax_chloro_p_ps <- max(sample_sums(chloro_p_ps))

            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = NA)
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = NA)
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names =  FALSE)

This step removed 590 Chloroplast ASVs encompassing 149274 total reads. Perfect.

And now we use the same approach to remove Mitochondria.

# generate a file with mitochondria ASVs
MT1_ps <- subset_taxa(ps_slv_work_no_cyano, Family == "Mitochondria")
MT1 <-  as(tax_table(MT1_ps), "matrix")
MT1 <- MT1[, 8]
MT1df <- as.factor(MT1)
goodTaxa <- setdiff(taxa_names(ps_slv_work_no_cyano), MT1df)
ps_slv_work_filt <- prune_taxa(goodTaxa, ps_slv_work_no_cyano)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 11144 taxa and 50 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 50 samples by 3 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 11144 taxa by 8 taxonomic ranks ]
###### Summarize data
total_asv_MT1 <- length(MT1df)
# colnames(tax_table(MT1_ps))
sample_sum_MT1_ps <- data.frame(sum = sample_sums(MT1_ps))
total_reads_MT1_ps <- sum(otu_table(MT1_ps))
smin_MT1_ps <- min(sample_sums(MT1_ps))
smean_MT1_ps <- mean(sample_sums(MT1_ps))
smax_MT1_ps <- max(sample_sums(MT1_ps))

Sweet, looks like this removed 306 Mitochondria ASVs encompassing 35941 total reads.

# general stats for the dataset.
sample_sum_df <- data.frame(sum = sample_sums(ps_slv_work_filt))
total_reads <- sum(otu_table(ps_slv_work_filt))
smin <- as.integer(min(sample_sums(ps_slv_work_filt)))
smean <- as.integer(mean(sample_sums(ps_slv_work_filt)))
smax <- as.integer(max(sample_sums(ps_slv_work_filt)))

After removing contaminants here is what the final dataset looks like:

  • Total number of reads in the dataset is 2934996.
  • Range of 11686 to 180159 reads per sample.
  • Average of 58699 reads per sample.

Merged Phyloseq Object

One last thing to do is to create a merged phyloseq object where samples are grouped by host species. This will come in handy later for some analyses.

mergedGP <- merge_samples(ps_slv_work_filt, "Sp")
SD <- merge_samples(sample_data(ps_slv_work_filt), "Sp")
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 11144 taxa and 5 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 5 samples by 3 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 11144 taxa by 8 taxonomic ranks ]

Great, still the same number of ASVs and now only 5 “samples” corresponding to the 5 species: AcCoe, AcTra, ScTae, SpAur, SpVir.

There are now the several phyloseq objects to chose from and, using the above methods, additional objects can easily be created.

  • ps_slv –> phyloseq dataset with all 53 samples, all ASVs.
  • ps_slv_base –> phyloseq dataset with 50 samples, all ASVs (this is not very useful).
  • ps_slv_work –> phyloseq dataset with 50 samples, zero-read ASVs removed.
  • ps_slv_work_filt –> phyloseq dataset with 50 samples, ASVs and reads from Mitochondria and Chloroplast removed.
  • mergedGP –> ps_slv_work_filt phyloseq dataset collapsed by host species.

Host Information

Before we do anything else, lets generate summary data for each host. We can generate a summary report for any ps object but we will use the object with mitochondria and chlorplasts removed, as well as the low replicate host species removed. We will also add details about each host. The table is displayed below. We can use these data when we upload the original fastq files to sequence read archives. Later on we will also add alpha diversity stats and save the table.

Host details

total_reads <- sample_sums(ps_slv_work_filt)
total_reads <-, make.names = TRUE)
total_reads <- total_reads %>% rownames_to_column("host_ID")

total_asvs <- estimate_richness(ps_slv_work_filt, measures = "Observed")
total_asvs <- total_asvs %>% rownames_to_column("host_ID")

sam_details <- sample_data(ps_slv)
sam_details <- sam_details %>% mutate(genus = case_when(
    Gen == "Ac" ~ "Acanthurus",
    Gen == "Sc" ~ "Scarus",
    Gen == "Sp" ~ "Sparisoma"))

sam_details <- sam_details %>% mutate(species = case_when(
    Sp == "AcCoe"~ "coeruleus",
    Sp == "AcTra"~ "tractus",
    Sp == "ScTae"~ "taeniopterus",
    Sp == "SpAur"~ "aurofrenatum",
    Sp == "SpVir"~ "viride"))
#Sp == "SpChr"~ "chrysopterum",
#Sp == "ScVet"~ "vetula"
sam_details <- sam_details %>% mutate(common_name = case_when(
    Sp == "AcCoe" ~ "blue tang surgeonfish",
    Sp == "AcTra" ~ "fiveband surgeonfish",
    Sp == "ScTae" ~ "princess parrotfish",
    Sp == "SpAur" ~ "redband parrotfish",
    Sp == "SpVir" ~ "stoplight parrotfish"))

#Sp == "SpChr" ~ "redtail parrotfish",
#Sp == "ScVet" ~ "queen parrotfish"))

sam_details <- sam_details %>% mutate(NCBI_txid = case_when(
    Sp == "AcCoe" ~ "157585",
    Sp == "AcTra" ~ "1316013",
    Sp == "ScTae" ~ "544418",
    Sp == "SpAur" ~ "59663",
    Sp == "SpVir" ~ "59666"))
#Sp == "SpChr" ~ "51766",
#Sp == "ScVet" ~ "84543"))

sam_details <- sam_details[-c(2, 3)]
colnames(sam_details) <- c("host_ID", "host_genus",
                           "host_species", "full_name",

merge_tab <- merge(sam_details, total_reads, by = "host_ID")
merge_tab2 <- merge(merge_tab, total_asvs, by = "host_ID")
colnames(merge_tab2) <- c("host_ID", "host_genus",
                          "host_species", "common_name",
                          "NCBI_txid",  "total_reads",

# We also have a datatable containing metrics for each host. Lets bring this in
# and merge with  the summary table
metrics <- read.table("DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/INPUT/host_metrics.txt",
                      sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
host_details <- merge(merge_tab2, metrics, by = "host_ID")
colnames(host_details) <- c("host_ID", "host_genus", "host_species",
                            "common_name", "NCBI_txid",  "total_reads",
                            "total_ASVs", "collection_date", "phase",
                            "weight", "total_length", "foregut_length",
                            "midgut_length", "hindgut_length",

datatable(host_details, rownames = FALSE, width = "100%",
          colnames = c("host_ID", "host_genus", "host_species",
                       "common_name", "NCBI_txid",  "total_reads",
                       "total_ASVs", "Collection_date", "Phase",
                       "Weight (g)", "Total length (cm)",
                       "Fore gut length (cm)", "Mid gut length (cm)",
                       "Hind gut length (cm)", "Total gut length (cm)"),
          caption = htmltools::tags$caption(style = "caption-side:
                                            bottom; text-align: left;",
                                            "Table: ",
                                            htmltools::em("Sample summary.")),
          extensions = "Buttons",
          options = list(columnDefs =
                           list(list(className = "dt-left", targets = 0)),
                         dom = "Blfrtip", pageLength = 5,
                         lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 25, 50),
                         buttons = c("csv", "copy"),
                         scrollX = TRUE, scrollCollapse = TRUE))

This table scrolls horizontally.

Now we have a nice little summary table about each sample—genus/species, common name, number of reads, number of ASVs, etc. All of this info can be used when submitting samples to sequence read archives. Once we conduct alpha diversity estimates below, we will add that data to the table above and export as Supplementary Table 3.



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