Next, we determine which ASVs are driving these patterns and assess their distribution in nature. We use statistical tests to identify ASVs that are enriched in a particular host species and then determine where else those sequences have been found.
We now have a good handle on the diversity of the intestinal microbiomes of these herbivorous reef fish. We know that communities are dominated by the same broad-level taxonomic groups. The beta diversity analysis demonstrates that communities partition along host species.
To summarize, our goals here are to:
- identify differentially abundant (DA) ASVs across host species,
- find closest matches to DA ASVs using publicly available data, and
- perform phylogenetic reconstruction on DA ASVs and top hits.
To accomplish these goals we leave the R environment and employ some additional tools.
We used LDA Effect Size (LEfSe) to identify differentially abundant (DA) ASVs across host species and the MicrobiomeAnalyst webserver to run the analysis. There are also many other great tools on the MicrobiomeAnalyst webserver by the way. We needed three files for the input—an ‘OTU’ table, a metadata file containing sample information, and a taxonomy table. We generate these tables with the code below.
########## OTU table
OTU1 <- as(otu_table(ps_slv_work_filt), "matrix")
# transpose if necessary
# Coerce to data.frame
OTUdf <-
setDT(OTUdf, keep.rownames = TRUE)[]
write.table(OTUdf, "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/OTHER/seq_tab_for_core.txt",
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
colnames(OTUdf)[1] <- "#NAME"
write.table(OTUdf, "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/LEfSe/LEfSe_INPUT_seq_tab.txt",
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
############ TAX Table
# Remember in the `tax_table` we added the last columns as the actual sequence
# of each ASV and the ASV_ID. We do not need those here.
# So lets only keep the first 6 columns (the taxonomic lineage)
TAX1 <- as(tax_table(ps_slv_work_filt), "matrix")
TAXdf <-
setDT(TAXdf, keep.rownames = TRUE)[]
colnames(TAXdf)[1] <- "#TAXONOMY"
TAXdf <- TAXdf[, 1:6]
write.table(TAXdf, "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/LEfSe/LEfSe_INPUT_tax_tab.txt",
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
############ Metadata file
meta_file <- data.frame(NAME = sample_name, SampleType = species, Gen = genus)
rownames(meta_file) <- samples.out
colnames(meta_file) <- c("#NAME", "Species", "Genus")
# but we still have those three samples that need to be removed
meta_file <- filter(meta_file, Species != "SpChr" & Species != "ScVet")
write.table(meta_file, "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/LEfSe/LEfSe_INPUT_metadata.txt",
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
And once we have the three files, we head over to the MicrobiomeAnalyst webserver and upload the files. Be sure to select Silva taxonomy
in the drop-down menu. Check the data summary after uploading the files:
Cool, all looks good. Hit Proceed
. Here are the settings we used for the different step:
Minimum count = 20
, Prevalence in samples (%) = 20
, and Percentage to remove (%) = 0
. This removed 3796 low abundant ASVs.Data rarefying = Do not rarefy my data
, Data scaling = Total sum scaling (TSS)
, and Data transformation = Do not transform my data
.Log LDA score = 4
& Adjusted p-value cutoff = 0.0001
. We specifically chose these values because we found that they eliminated spurious results such as DA ASVs that were really abundant in a few samples but not consistent across an entire group.The result was 59 differentially abundant (DA) ASVs.
We can inspect and save the results of the LEfSe analysis. The table shows the Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) scores, P-values adjusted for multiple testing, and False Discovery Rate (FDR) values from the LEfSe analysis. Normalized read abundance values for each host species are also given.
lefse_tab <- read.table("DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/INPUT/lefse_results.txt",
header = TRUE, sep = "\t", check.names = FALSE)
write.table(lefse_tab, "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/SUPP/Table_S5.txt",
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
datatable(lefse_tab, rownames = FALSE, width = "100%",
caption =
style = "caption-side: bottom; text-align: left;",
"Table 4: ", htmltools::em("Results of LEfSe analysis.")),
extensions = "FixedColumns", "Buttons",
options = list(columnDefs =
list(list(className = "dt-center",
targets = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))),
dom = "Blfrtip", pageLength = 5,
lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 25, 60),
buttons = c("csv", "copy"),
scrollX = TRUE, scrollCollapse = TRUE))
Something about these tables that break my formatting :/
Before getting knee deep in the DA ASV analysis lets see if we can’t identify some core elements, or ASVs, to these fish. First we need a mothur-formatted .shared
file. This is the code …
cm <- read.table("DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/OTHER/seq_tab_for_core.txt",
sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
cm_t <- t(cm)
cm_df <-
numcols <- ncol(cm_df)
cm_df <- cm_df %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("Group")
cm_df <- cm_df %>%
mutate(label = 0.03, numOtus = numcols) %>%
select(label, Group, numOtus, everything())
write.table(cm_df, "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/OTHER/ps_slv_work_filt.txt",
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
####COMBINE by fish species
cm_Merge <- cm %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("ASV")
cm_Merge <- cm_Merge %>% mutate(AcCoe =
AcCoe01 + AcCoe02 + AcCoe03 + AcCoe04 +
AcCoe05 + AcCoe06 + AcCoe07 + AcCoe08)
cm_Merge <- cm_Merge %>% mutate(AcTra =
AcTra01 + AcTra02 + AcTra03 + AcTra04 +
AcTra05 + AcTra06 + AcTra07 + AcTra08 +
cm_Merge <- cm_Merge %>% mutate(ScTra =
ScTae01 + ScTae02 + ScTae03 + ScTae04 +
ScTae05 + ScTae06 + ScTae07 + ScTae08 +
cm_Merge <- cm_Merge %>% mutate(SpAur =
SpAur01 + SpAur02 + SpAur03 + SpAur04 +
SpAur05 + SpAur06 + SpAur07 + SpAur08 +
SpAur09 + SpAur10 + SpAur11 + SpAur12 +
cm_Merge <- cm_Merge %>% mutate(SpVir =
SpVir01 + SpVir02 + SpVir03 + SpVir04 +
SpVir05 + SpVir06 + SpVir07 + SpVir08 +
SpVir09 + SpVir10 + SpVir11)
cm_Merge <- cm_Merge %>% select(ASV, AcCoe, AcTra, ScTra, SpAur, SpVir)
cm_Merge_2 <- cm_Merge[, -1]
rownames(cm_Merge_2) <- cm_Merge[, 1]
cm_Merge_2_t <- t(cm_Merge_2)
cm_Merge_2_df <-
cm_Merge_2_df <- cm_Merge_2_df %>%
cm_Merge_2_df <- cm_Merge_2_df %>%
mutate(label = 0.03, numOtus = numcols) %>%
select(label, Group, numOtus, everything())
write.table(cm_Merge_2_df, "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/OTHER/ps_slv_work_filt_combine.txt",
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
Next we use the output to run get.coremicrobiome
in mothur. And the truth is this analysis never went anywhere…
Next we wanted to know where else these sequences had been detected in nature. There is a huge wealth of publicly available sequence information from many studies and habitats. We can use this information to get a better idea of the distribution and habitat specificity of the DA ASVs. To accomplish this we performed the following steps:
. We needed two different ps
objects, one from the unmerged object (ps_slv_work_filt
) and the other from the merged-by-genus object (mergedGP
objects. So we tried this using the tax_table
. This approach works but, well, it is not very elegant. If you want a fasta file from any other ps
objects just swipe out the name of the ps
object in the code below. Anyway, we will generate and save a fasta file.
On the mac we used to analyze the data, for some reason, saves the fasta file with Line Break Type
as Legacy Mac(CR)
. This may be incompatible with other programs and needs to be changed to UNIX (LS)
. I know, don’t quit my day job, except this is my day job :/
# Object of DA ASVs
lefse_asvs <- c("ASV21", "ASV25", "ASV35", "ASV44", "ASV159",
"ASV17", "ASV174", "ASV22", "ASV234", "ASV60",
"ASV114", "ASV268", "ASV14", "ASV226", "ASV23",
"ASV29", "ASV30", "ASV48", "ASV90", "ASV98", "ASV18",
"ASV41", "ASV7", "ASV43", "ASV5", "ASV54", "ASV8",
"ASV9", "ASV250", "ASV12", "ASV32", "ASV34", "ASV39",
"ASV224", "ASV398", "ASV127", "ASV128", "ASV151",
"ASV323", "ASV359", "ASV374", "ASV91", "ASV56", "ASV6",
"ASV165", "ASV284", "ASV395", "ASV450", "ASV15", "ASV2",
"ASV20", "ASV298", "ASV57", "ASV69", "ASV75", "ASV82",
"ASV1", "ASV70", "ASV49")
# Create ps objects
da_asvs <- prune_taxa(lefse_asvs, mergedGP)
da_asvs_full <- prune_taxa(lefse_asvs, ps_slv_work_filt)
# Create fasta file from tax_table
table2format <- tax_table(da_asvs)
#retain only the column with the sequences
table2format_trim <- table2format[, 7]
table2format_trim_df <- data.frame(row.names(table2format_trim),
colnames(table2format_trim_df) <- c("ASV_ID", "ASV_SEQ")
#format fasta
table2format_trim_df$ASV_ID <- sub("ASV", ">ASV", table2format_trim_df$ASV_ID)
write.table(table2format_trim_df, "DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/OUTPUT/ASV_FOR_BLAST.fasta",
sep = "\r", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
Here are the top BLAST hits for each DA ASV. The table displays a lot of information about each BLAST search (it scrolls along the x-axis by the way). Most importantly are the accession numbers of top BLAST hits (subject acc.var), number of 100% identical matches (num perfect hits), the percent identity, and some info on where/when the hit sequence was originally found. Where applicable, there is also PubMedIDs so you can find the paper that reported the sequence. Looking at this table will give you a preliminary sense of the ecology of these ASVs. For example, most hits come from intestinal communities, many of which are marine herbivorous fish. But the low percent identity of several ASVs indicates that these sequences have been poorly sampled. This is not surprising given the geographic skew of sampling.
blast_tab <- read.table("DATA/PHYLOSEQ/TABLES/INPUT/BLAST_results.txt",
header = TRUE, sep = "\t", check.names = FALSE)
row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
datatable(blast_tab, rownames = FALSE,
caption =
style = "caption-side: bottom; text-align: left;",
"Supplementary Table 6: ",
htmltools::em("Results of BLASTn analysis.")),
extensions = "FixedColumns", "Buttons",
options = list(columnDefs =
list(list(className = "dt-center",
targets = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))),
dom = "Blfrtip", pageLength = 5,
lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 25, 65),
buttons = c("csv", "copy"),
scrollX = TRUE, scrollCollapse = TRUE))
This table also scrolls horizontally.
Several ASVs returned more than one match at 100%. For some ASVs, the 100% matches were from the same study/study organism, so we just selected one as the representative. ASVs 6, 12, 224, and 398 returned numerous 100% matches (out of 50 total). These data were impractical to summarize and not very informative anyway. So we elected to leave these data out. If you want to see what these hits are, just grab the ASV sequence and BLAST away. Also, some ASVs shared the same top hit. Since the table is ‘by ASV’ we retained all duplicate hits.mothur "#align.seqs(candidate=sequence_tree.fasta, template=silva.nr_v132.align, processors=20, flip=t)" mothur "#filter.seqs(fasta=sequence_tree.fasta, vertical = =F, hard=mask.txt)" mothur "#classify.seqs(fasta=sequence_tree.filter.fasta, template=silva.nr_v132.align,, processors=10)"
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -T 24 -f a -p 2345 -x 3456 -m GTRGAMMA -N 1000 -s sequence_tree.filter.fasta -n fish_arb_align_1000BS_B.tre